Saturday, April 15, 2006
The katana (Hoki-Yasutsuna)
Tachi Sword
Known as " Dojigiri Yasutsuna "
By Yasutsuna
Heian Period 10th-11th century.
Hoki-Yasutsuna is an exponent of a katana-kaji in the Heian Period. The Dojigiri-Yasutsuna is the most famous in his work. About the origin of the name of the Dojigiri. There is a legend that Shuten-Doji who was a bandit was destroyed. It considers that this tachi was connected with this legend. This tachi was succeeded to with the Ashikaga general Family, the Tokugawa general Family, the Echizen Matsudaira Family and the Tsuyama Matsudaira Family. This tachi is the noted sword which represents Japan. This tachi is a national treasure.